Top 5 Tips For Remote Work

I’m sure many of you might find yourself working from home for the first time right now. I made the transition myself two years ago, and I know that it can take a while to settle in and "figure it out".

I was discussing this topic with some of my co-workers the other day who have worked from home for many years. With their input, I’ve compiled the following list of tips that will hopefully help your remote work experience be more enjoyable and productive.

  1. Set up a dedicated space for work. Standing desks are especially great for working from home when you aren’t walking around the office to go to meetings or talk to people. Check out the one I have here.
  2. Stay in a routine similar to your normal office routine. This means:
    • Start/quit work at normal times
    • Take your normal breaks for lunch, snacks, etc.
    • Walk around the house/yard when you would normally walk the halls in the office for a stretch
    • Get dressed for work (don’t go to work in your PJs)
    • Quit at your normal quitting time. Just because you’re at home working doesn’t mean you have to keep working. This leads to burn out and additional time is typically not spent efficiently
  3. Limit distractions – it is easier to get distracted at home. Disable notifications on your phone during work hours. Ensure family members are aware you are working and set the ground rules when/how they can contact you.
  4. Be prompt on emails/IMs/voicemails.
  5. Take advantage of working outdoors for a change of scenery (i.e. take meetings outside on the deck). Even getting fresh air from a short walk outside can be helpful.

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